Oodles of Boodles

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Is heaven a place to go?
Or is it a state of being?

Is it an appointed time and place of perfection that God has planned for us?
Or a possibility within our reach at this very moment?

The question to this answer is the crux of the whole matter of
"Heaven on earth".

Is "thy kingdom come" a prayer for heaven to be placed on earth now or an asking for and proclamation of the inevitable future?

Are some saying and believing that God meant for heaven to actually be on earth now as it is spoken of in scripture as -no more tears, no more sadness, no more sin, no more sickness, no more hatred between brothers, and perfect oneness with Christ?

Can the enemy be destroyed before Christ comes back?

Just what are you saying anyway?

Paul the apostle clearly stated that God would not remove the thorn in his flesh in spite of all faith and prayer. He was content with the answer "no" from God.
Gosh people.........God says no sometimes.
That doesn't sound like heaven to me.

I believe that Christ lives in me.
I am made perfect in Him. (righteous)
Therefore his Kingdom lives in me.
I am a "piece" and "part" of heaven that is invading earth.
But I do not make this earth into heaven by my presence just as Jesus did not.
Before Christs coming there will be unthinkable suffering among God's people.
He foretold it. That does not sound like heaven to me.
Heaven is relief from all that.
But heaven can reign in me as an individual.
I may go to my death in great physical agony and still have perfect peace.
Being a christian does not barr suffering and pain.

Gosh people.....Just what are you trying to say?
I'd really like to know.........


  • At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anybody who says we can heaven on earth is either a fool or a liar. Scripture teaches that Jesus is to be our example IN SUFFERING and that is what we are in fact called to. It is through his life that we endure and receive joy in the process and this gives us the taste of heaven that creates a longing for the fullness of it. It is our great hope and worth WAITING for.

  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger Jacob said…

    David took all the good stuff. So yeah, what he said. Don't worry Mom, you're on the money, whatever people may say.

  • At 5:36 AM, Blogger Becky Nelson said…

    But its what I am hearing in church and in the "Bill Johnson" revival and the books being brought home to my house.
    It's really freakin' me out.
    I am once again feeling like the people of my own faith are the wierdest people I have ever met.
    I know miracles are prevalent and desirable and wonderful to prove God's power but to say we each of us can lay claim to perfect healing and wholeness on earth is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. What's more is that in Bill Johnson's book he says that people like me who don't believe we are heirs to this right are being deceived by a lie straight from the pit of hell.
    It is hard to stay calm about this.
    Not so angry am I as betrayed by my own faith once again.
    Thanks for your comments guys.
    I feel better.

  • At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who's Bill Johnson??? I'll be sure to stay away. Thanks for the warning.


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