I'm in it again.
Church, that is.
It seems I cannot stay away.
Today I learned that to discover oneself we need others.
Relationship is paramount.
Not long ago I heard the same thing about God.
In order to discover more about God we need others.
Why did God design us with this need for vulnerable interdependence?
It really pisses me off sometimes that I cannot be that proverbial island.
But I would argue that church is not necessarily the place for this cathartic
growth caused by interaction with others.
Not the traditional church as we know it today.
Relationship is nearly impossible in such an environment.
Even the most "Holy Spirit" led churches.
Why, oh why I beg to know, must there be one man that must get up and run the show.
Exactly that. A show.
Doesn't the holy spirit honor other men or women of God
if they should raise their hand to say "Holy Spirit come and be here"?
I venture with a little fear and trepidation to put this forthcoming statement on my blog at the risk of sounding judgemental.......
I believe in my heart that the majority of men/women who are pastors, priests, etc. are egomaniacs.
Very few go into this "calling" kicking and screaming realizing the price there is to pay like Moses did.
If God irradicated the activity of preaching on Sunday morning I think we would see fewer men looking forward to "ministry".
To be nameless/faceless or not noticed for their words/deeds would certainly weed out the false and ambitious.
What if it were a pastors job to stand behind a curtain in the back and delegate to others everything that needed to be done and no one was allowed to know who he was?
(were it possible)
I believe they would not do it!!!!
I dream of a church that belongs to the people.
And in saying that I mean that I dream of a church that belongs solely to Jesus
Christ himself where only He was exalted.
I dream of a church that would allow me to know others and to be known.
How will this happen if no one else is allowed to speak their heart but one man.
But I'm in it again.
Church, that is.
It seems I cannot stay away.
I guess I want to be there when my dreams start to come true.
Because I don't believe God will let this "show" go on for much longer.
Church will become pure unadulterated worship for God and love will break the spell.
Church, that is.
It seems I cannot stay away.
Today I learned that to discover oneself we need others.
Relationship is paramount.
Not long ago I heard the same thing about God.
In order to discover more about God we need others.
Why did God design us with this need for vulnerable interdependence?
It really pisses me off sometimes that I cannot be that proverbial island.
But I would argue that church is not necessarily the place for this cathartic
growth caused by interaction with others.
Not the traditional church as we know it today.
Relationship is nearly impossible in such an environment.
Even the most "Holy Spirit" led churches.
Why, oh why I beg to know, must there be one man that must get up and run the show.
Exactly that. A show.
Doesn't the holy spirit honor other men or women of God
if they should raise their hand to say "Holy Spirit come and be here"?
I venture with a little fear and trepidation to put this forthcoming statement on my blog at the risk of sounding judgemental.......
I believe in my heart that the majority of men/women who are pastors, priests, etc. are egomaniacs.
Very few go into this "calling" kicking and screaming realizing the price there is to pay like Moses did.
If God irradicated the activity of preaching on Sunday morning I think we would see fewer men looking forward to "ministry".
To be nameless/faceless or not noticed for their words/deeds would certainly weed out the false and ambitious.
What if it were a pastors job to stand behind a curtain in the back and delegate to others everything that needed to be done and no one was allowed to know who he was?
(were it possible)
I believe they would not do it!!!!
I dream of a church that belongs to the people.
And in saying that I mean that I dream of a church that belongs solely to Jesus
Christ himself where only He was exalted.
I dream of a church that would allow me to know others and to be known.
How will this happen if no one else is allowed to speak their heart but one man.
But I'm in it again.
Church, that is.
It seems I cannot stay away.
I guess I want to be there when my dreams start to come true.
Because I don't believe God will let this "show" go on for much longer.
Church will become pure unadulterated worship for God and love will break the spell.
At 8:11 AM,
Jacob said…
I think you are right on many levels. On one hand, it is great leading this core group because I have so much I want to share. On the other, I loathe the idea of sounding pretentious or disingenuous. That's why I try not to talk very much (sometimes I can't help it), but let everyone else share their hearts. My new saying is that "absolute power corrupts authenticity," something of utmost importance to me... authenticity that is.
At 6:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
The whole of issue of honesty and transparency in the church seems to be insurmountable. Even here in Belize, we face the same problem. I find it very frustrating but at the same time, like you, I just can't stay away. I love God, therefore, I love His church. So Jacob is leading a core group? I'd like to hear about it.
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm glad that you are in pursuit of God's best plans. The church, with all its warts, is still God's plan for bringing the harvest in and making disciples. I have often thought that God's plan of putting a bunch of "not quite holy" people (sinners in process) together in a volunteer organization with imperfect leaders is a recipe for disaster. I have never felt qualified to lead, let alone be a part of the whole plan. But I believe in the power of God to carry out His plans in spite of us all. You are right that we must keep Jesus at the forefront of our vision or it will all become about us and be reduced to the lowest common denominator. I hear your cry for the real deal. I don't think we'll get there until we have all surrendered our autonomy to God and spend more time in His transforming presence. But I have more hope than ever that the glorious Bride of Christ, without spot or wrinkle, is rising up in a new passion for holiness, righteousness, power and real love, that comes from a passion for Jesus Himself. As intimate knowledge of God increases in those who give themselves to hear the heartbeat of God, mercy, compassion and healing will purify the church of judgement and religion that has made the church unsafe for prodigal sons to return to the Father's house. What is also needed is for some bravehearted prodigals to hear God's cry for His church and become a healing agent from within. Some of us egomaniac pastors need loving, compassionate prayer that is birthed in God's mercy for wounded leaders who have more growing up to do. As John Wimber used to say,the church is the only thing Jesus is coming back for, so let's be as committed to it as He is. At least, that's why I am. Or I would have quit a long time ago. But I know the best is yet to come. And, like you, I want to be there when it comes, not as a spectator, but as part of the cause. And may it look as nice and feel as welcoming and comfortable as your country store! (Hope that wasn't preachy)
At 2:04 AM,
Becky Nelson said…
My brothers,
Why does there have to be only one preacher? Why can't the responsibility be shared?
Simple one ever answers.
Could it be that the preacher still doesn't want to share the glory?
I hope you will respond either by blog or by email.
And thank you so much for reading my site and answering.
Means so much to me.
love, your sister Becky
At 8:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
not all churches have just one preaching pastor. The church I attend here in Belize has no pastor at all and all preaching is done by elders who share the job. Some of them are good and some not so good. but I like the variety.
I think your point is well taken that there are indeed some pastors who are jealous of the pulpit and even in the face of opportunity to share the pulpit with another qualified leader, they do not because of insecurity or perhaps some other reasons. I imagine there are some pastors who feel they are "called" to that post and would consider not preaching as a failure to their calling.
I think it would be healthy for most churches to have more than one preacher at least some of the time in order to gain a different perspective, to better capture a fuller picture of Christ.
Are pastors egomaniacs? Probably, but who isn't?
At 6:00 AM,
Becky Nelson said…
Your last paragraph in your last comment.......perfect.
Yes and amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as there are many singers and writers and mechanics and every sort of giftedness and talent, so there are many, many preachers and teachers who will never be heard.
Everyone at our home group last night had something wonderful to share. I came home with so much hope and that much more perspective. I pray that our egomaniac tendencies will not destroy this good thing.
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where Christians fellowship should be a safe of judgement and phoniness. Why is it so hard to be "real" with one another? Personally, my problem with what is happening in our churches today is the type of music (it's called 'worship' today) that is being used. Where are the hymns of praise? Most of the contemperary stuff is all about "Me, me, me." This morning I attended a church where we actually sang songs that focused on God. One of them was "Holy, Holy, Holy," and we didnt' stand and sing for an hour until our feet were numb and our voices were shot...(that is, if you could hear your voice above the voices and the guitars/drums on the platform that were blasting out everyone else.) I'm definitely an old fogey. I know that...but where is it written that old people and the treasures of their hearts don't count anymore? It's us old folks who have the money that supports the church.
So...not only do we have to listen to one person preach every week, we also have to be subjected to one person's idea of what music we have to sing. What happened to the scripture that admonishes us (the church) to share a song, or a scripture or a revelation that God has given us when we come together to worship? We have become an organization of spectators instead of people held together by being "part of" one another....contributing to one another and being accountable to one another. This is what the early church was all about and this sort of community would make it pretty hard to let any one person be led into destruction through egomania.
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